How to maximise your BIO

How to maximise your BIO

Instagram BIO’s are an important part of your Instagram feed. They're often the first thing people look at when they click on your feed, and if you don't include the right information in them (i.e., your contact details), you could end up losing clients.

But what exactly makes the perfect Instagram BIO? Here, we examine some of our top tips on making your own killer bio.

To edit your Instagram BIO, just go to Edit Profile on Instagram, and then click on the BIO section to edit. Once you're there, here's what to do...

  1. Be super-succinct
You only have 150 characters to play with in your Instagram BIO so keep your message as succinct as possible. Think about what a person who has no idea who you are and has just stumbled across your feed needs to know.
  • Who are you? 
  • Where are you? 
  • What does your business offer?
  • What should people expect to find on the page?
  • What you write in your Instagram BIO will depend on what exactly your brand purpose is. It's a good idea to list your location allowing your audience to further identify your relevance.


  1. Include hashtags
These should be your signature brand hashtags that you want your audience to use when referencing you on socials. You can change this frequently depending on the campaign you’re working on at any given time.


  1. Include a call to action

It's best to include a call to action (CTA) on your Instagram BIO. This sounds like a marketing term (because it is), however it’s a tangible way to see if what you’re offering is effective. How many people are following up and enquiring?

Think about someone you don't know clicking on your feed. 

What do you want them to do? Would you like them to buy your work? Click on your website? Follow your other account? Comment on your posts? 
Whatever it is, don't be shy about it. Include this information in the form of a button that says 'email' or 'contact. 


The ultimate strategy is to add a link that host EVERYTHING. Try Link Tree or, feature.

In general, remember that people have a limited attention span online, particularly on Instagram, so keep all of your BIO text short and sweet, and make sure it is easy to scan. 

If this task overwhelms you, we are here to help; take a look at this package to outsource your digital makeover.


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