Do you ever have a flow of ideas, but no time to execute them? Do you try and make a mental to note to go back and explore the thought when you have more time? Sometimes really great concepts and campaigns get lost in the noise and the rush of ALL the things you have to do. We have some tips on 'bookmarking'. your thoughts so that you can revisit them any time with full clarity and recall.
1) Use the 'notes' app in your phone. It syncs to your desktop and is on hand any time anywhere. You can share a link to the note with other collaborators and add links and images to each note.
2) Use Pinterest to repurpose the ideas and concepts of others. These are organised into categories called "boards". They can be view publicly or you can keep them private. You can also add collaborators and make personal notes on each "pin". Its the ultimate way to create moodboards across a variety of subjects and themes.
3) Have a folder on your desktop where you save all the ideas, including your screen-shots and recorded voice memos to yourself.